Upselling Popup A/B test

A/B Test

Along with the pizza products, the side menu plays important role for increasing ATP (Average Ticket Price) per customer. Among the various side menu items, the “600yen for Any 2 Sides” have been an important upsell for a long period of time, and have been contributed to increase the total sales as well.
We’ve found that users have commented that 600yen for Any 2sides pop-ups are annoying from qualitative surveys. That pop-up displays between Menu Top page and Pizza Menu page.


Menu Top > Pop-up display > Pizza Menu

GOAL & UX Planning

To improve user experience and in response to that comment, we conducted the following tests.
We hypothesized that the user may feels less uncomfortable if pop-ups do not fill the screen completely. Also, most of pop-ups displays at unexpected times from users perspective. By increasing visibility of the Pizza Menu screen which is supposed to seen as next step, pop-up could perceived as less disruptive to users.


Therefore, we shortened the height of pop-up so the Pizza Menu page can be seen more. (variation 1 below) When pop-up displays the rest of screen turn to darker, however users still can see the next step. Height adjustment increased visibility of screen

Variation 1

In addition to smaller pop-ups, we also implemented the variation 2 as “No pop-up display at all” in this test (Even if user did not choose the “2 sides ¥600” when it shows, it’s available to add the same item later anyway).

  1. Control
  2. Variation 1 (Smaller pop-up)
  3. Variation 2 (No pop-up))


Variation 1 showed higher performance compared to Control and Variation 2. Variation 1 drove +0.5% CVR boost and +¥20 per Session value (compared to control). Interestingly, Variation 1 performed even better than Variation 2.

Research – Shared the qualitative survey result
Ideation – Variation 1& 2
Direction – design execution
Growth marketer
CMS operator
2021 Nov.